Not sure I can look these young uns in the eyes this morning |
Aye it were summat ter make yer stop and think. The NSW state election. Delivering back a coalition that is so steeped in neo liberalism tha it can barely see above its trough of cash and big end of town handouts. Tha they boogered oop every think 'big' project on go creating chaos of dollars wasted. The post victory humidity of gloating from yon liberals in particular are like fur balls spat from the craw of a prehistoric sabre tooth tortoise. Pungent, smelling of extinction and oh so predictable. "Yer lost, nah! Nah! We won! Sook it oop leftie sooks!" Aye fer them folk, it is all aboot winnin', even though this a greater loss than they may oonderstand. Nero plays drums and bass while NSW burns?
We have had kids hitting the street protesting about the choices around climate change being taken from them boot the consequences left fer them ter deal with. They hit the streets ter tell us, those who can vote be responsible. Our answer? Mark Latham. Gladys and the neo lib pipsqueaks. Big, fat messy, doosty projects ter muck oop cities and chop down trees and flatten areas of greens while ignoring whats going on oot in bush. Watta, we have plenty in Sydney man! Who cares? Oor taps are running - fer moment. Dead fish? Always has been. The great drought? Joost a fact of farming lives. Suicides? Kids, farmers - are we listening? Only jobs paying below minimum wage in oor flexible economy. Make them self-employed contractors, save on annual leave, sick pay and kick those penalty rates back inta Museum of the Failed Class War - where they belong. Joost get oot of way of progress citizens of Australia...there's a bulldozer heading towards you ter take away yer future. Boot we'll cut taxes! Build more apartments, develop until the oonly Koala yer will know is the one in the name Koala Park - a suburb of dense apartments and nae infrastructure.
People, those who counted their vote next ter brand Gladys, yer cannot be serious ter think our Gladys heads a competent government? That being a liberal with a fluffy 'L' equals that she deserved another four years ter deliver on those large infrastructure projects already overdue, over budget and over indulgent. If this were competency in action - where is the transparency? Where are the results? The costings so we could have had an adult conversation aboot what was being spent in our name. Where are the background papers for example on West connex et al? Who is making money outta this? And when the tolls (secret squirrelled) come in who will profit? NSW coffers? Or some faceless capitalist ransacking the public purse by proxy? Were oos the electorate given information on the beneficiaries of Gladys's largesse before vote ter decide how competent the coalition is on spending our brass? If I ran me hoose budget like Gladys runs State NSW, yer would have told me ter stop splashing cash and live within me means. Then I would have ter explain why I were selling the kitchen sink, bairns and light fittings ter buy summat with the substance of smoke and mirrors. The illusion of benefiting the community by giving ter the few who have already taken so much.
Fruit bat on way ter vote... |
Aye this were a lost opportunity fer showing leadership. Mr Daly also did not show it or have it. Leadership which can see a vision fer a better future and build on that inclusive of all folk, including those yet to vote. Inspire oos ter believe it can be better. Fer building fer a future that does not involve sports stadiums, more roads and expensive public transport. Mr Daly was unable to project past the crumbling Moore Park Stadium as a photo op. He needed ter ramp oop, summat passionate about taking control of our destiny and not being content ter lumber inter extinction behind all other species we've seen off. Summat about not following failed paradigms of greed and selfishness joost because they seem safe, what we know. After all its what nine news tells oos we want. Look over the ditch ter see what real leadership can look like. A politician that listens and reflects what is good in a shared community. Who spoke from the heart with no fear, confident her wurds would engage.
It's another day boot |
What did this election deliver in terms of addressing how we can manage the extreme weather/climate change problems that are increasing. Nowt. Nae, let the insurance companies cover those. And those who don't have insurance? Moost be leaners not lifters. What happened to our belief in a fair go? It appears absent from the message sent through by a portion of this vote. Aye we voted, good on oos. But for what? In a troubled time, fer more of the same. No answer. No vision. No leadership and nowt mooch succour fer the future.
Belgo channels the mad Dook! |
It were a win boot not mooch of one, being fer the top end of town and the culture of greed and selfishness. There are more losers in this election than those who didn't vote fer the Coalition of the self-servery. What we gave the next generation coming oop ter vote is a slap around the chops. We could have listened ter our weans. What we could have given, were inspiration, guidance and the setting of a path ter a better future than the one we now hold. As an electorate we didn't seize the time and in doing so failed the future. That is why, this morning, Im not thinking we have mooch ter celebrate amongst all the gloating.
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