You go girl!!! |
Smoking ceremony |

There's un election rolling inter town. Moost be the season of the politician. Pork barrel anyone? Yon Gladys trying ter focus on big stoof thas on track boot not light rail or that the watta in regions has run oot along with jobs except where mines or large corporations suck the mighty red fer coal and sooch like.
Fix NSW were a small Saturday rally here in Sydney where lots of folk came along to list the things Gladys moost have forgot ter mention. An' sum she hope yer will move along from - nowt ter see here - like stadiums, the great Murray Darling squeezed dry ter the pip. Dead fish. Green algae. Deals fer the Coalition's mates at expense of ordinary folk.
In Sydney it were the great rolling urban disaster Gladys like ter call infrastructure. More roads, dirt, chaos and each suburb a building site fer developers ter play in. Tolls fer the richies oontil forever. Motorways ploughing through residential suburbs with exhaust stacks ootside schools. Gas masks as part of school uniforms?
Aye, an the folk tirelessly fighting ter keep aboriginal deaths in custody issues in folks minds were here. David Dungay death were back on this week in Coroner's court in Lidcombe. A preventable death fer a man killed fer eating crackers. Yer have ter feel the families pain.
Greens were out in force as were socialist alliance. A few unions including the ever mighty MUA. There were a Labor speaker boot Gladys didn't front - were out somewhere launching another tunnel in a hard hat fer television cameras. Aye the photo ops from the coalition can make a grown man weep! All smoke, mirra and weasel wurds - not being unkind ter weasels like being mistaken fer greedy seat fillers with entitlement complexes. Boot folk at this rally are like a balm on troubled wattas! Nanas, bairns, old commos, activists of all shades and passions giving oop their Saturday ter be heard. Time fer a change people...is that the ghost of Gough stirring...
Issues raised by speakers included:
- Stop Aboriginal deaths in custody by implementing the recommendations from Royal Commission. How long moost families wait fer joostice?
- Save the rivers of the Murray Darling basin give ownership back ter indigenous folk ter husband water.
- Protect our communities across NSW and heritage listed buildings like un by yon harbour bridge that were Housing Commission.
- Stop building white elephants like West Connx- roads going to nowhere instead build public transport and cycleways that are safe.
- No cruise ship docking at Yarra Bay!
- Restore the rights ter engage in peaceful protest - after all its meant to be a democracy.
- Install lifts at all railway stations and make sure buses are not sold off.
- Schools and hospitals before stadiums.
- Stop high density development and create more free spaces.
- No more mines, fracking and poisoning our water tables fer profit.
- Tell Belgo Geordie ter come home fer his tea, his kippers are going cold...
This is an opportunity ter vote out the greedy. Enjoy yon pics...
MUA present |
Bairns fighting on climate change |
Nowhere without the music |
An oldie does the math |
My oath! Me local swimming hole... |
Truly ripper result against toffees this weekend...ahhemmm |
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