Lakemba mosque Friday night prayers and vigil |
As of now, 49 people were murdered yesterday in Christchurch, New Zealand and as many injured by a self declared fascist, white terrorist 'cell' in two separate attacks. (Now two days later identified as a single attacker). New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern spoke from the heart and it were summat ter be proud of that she gave homage to her New Zealand community in shock and mourning; devastated by this act of planned evil carried out in two mosques at Friday night prayer. The horror ached into her young face and the dignity with which she spoke contrasts ter the Trump's of the world. That she could tell you with no uncertainty there is no place in Aotearoa, or the world for this corrosive ideology. For any act of extremism that in its warped, twisted view of the world that thinks these acts of murder have any place in the human condition deserve only our contempt. But the victims, these we bathe in our tears. These we hold in our hearts. New Zealanders Ms Ardern acknowledged them. People who came to New Zealand because it appeared safe of the ideology of hatred. Because overall it is a country that embraces diversity and may have been chosen by these scum for that reason. The pathetic self proclaimed white fascist who went into places of prayer to confront unarmed people with a murderous arsenal and filmed themselves doing so is no more than a coward, a bigot, an excuse for a human being. This action he described as terrorism with the aim to inflict terror on a people, muslim, a nation Aotearoa. He failed. Ms Ardern spoke for all that was decent in stating we are not afraid and we will not be cowed by this event. We are not moved to hide away in fear of future attacks from neo nazis and their ilk. People still went to their places of worship on Friday night in Christchurch, across New Zealand and here in Australia to stand shoulder to shoulder and remember the murdered and maimed and express our contempt of any faction that believes this has a place in the human world.
Other religious and politicians came to pay respect |
Mrs Belgo and I went to Lakemba mosque for the vigil. There was not anger just disbelief, shock, and the expressed belief this will draw us together rather than the murders intent to rip us apart and live in fear. I cannot but reflect years ago when I stood shoulder to shoulder with a muslim brother, a panel beater with an old communist, surrounded by coppers while we stared out with contempt at the mob of Reclaim Australia fascists. We acknowledged we were there that day because these people dismissed as fringe dwellers, we saw as dangerous, loathsome, people who had to be stood up against. And they still do. Jacinda Ardern gets it. Those of us in the union movement get it. The rise and rise of Trump. Of white nationalism. Fascism. Attacks on diversity; multiculturalism, churches, synagogues and mosques. On music venues, public transport, markets, schools, public places. Extremist acts of terror are fascist. Those by white self proclaimed supremacists on the increase with more media platforms. Supporting, nurturing and accepting or even turning away from confronting such views is anti-life, anti-decency and will continue to result in savaging the fabric of a socially just society. The Christchurch community just attending Friday night prayers in their mosques have paid a huge price for us standing back and allowing this vicious tide to run. Enough. We need to stand up and fight back by challenging these ideologies and as Ms Ardern said by saying clearly, loudly they have no place in our world, our communities, our workplace, our political and social debate and in the dialogue by which we create a future that is inclusive.
See (first is an editorial on Ms Ardern's response ter the terrorist attack).

As an aside, I were wearing my Safe, Respected, Organised Maritime Union Australia shirt and was taken aside and questioned by the coppers as I stood outside on steps of mosque listening to the speakers, in case I were a lone white supremacist. Fer ten years I have gone out standing with MUA to oppose fascism in all its guises but mainly to oppose Reclaim Australia type rallies. Too often being told by coppers at these rallies the likes of us old communists and the anarchists are joost as bad as the fascists. One journalist who saw me last night being taken ter the side and me bag searched said surely I understood they (the police) were 'at this time' joost doing the right thing. Granted the coppers were civil and they said sensitivities were running high. Once questioned and searched they told me I was not to go inter mosque and it seemed back ter the steps I had been standing on just in front of the mosque's main door. Boot a call went out from the mosque fer other folk ter attend a vigil, and stand in remembrance and this what I and a few others did. We care. We were shocked. I talked ter young folk from the mosque boot otherwise stood silently. I had wanted to hear speakers and particularly the politicians speak out. If they don't lead and change the debate then we are fooked. No place fer hate speech starts in the combined parliaments and legislative houses.
I hope amongst the coppers and those who police the many events where the white supremacists hold their rallies, reflect. Fer me in me ten years Australia it is the likes of me and other comrades who have consistently said the growth of white supremacists cannot be dismissed as cranks, 'joost citizens with a different point of view'. They and their ideology is based on hatred. It is a cancer and it is growing and spreading. We know it causes harm, division and is anti-life. They don't like folk who are different and frequently express their agenda is ter rid Australia of all who are not as white as them in skin and thought. They rail against diversity, multiculturalism and the difference of 'the other'.
Know your union history NSW police, the MUA has always opposed fascism, will always continue ter do so and no, as a union it doesn't take a step back. It is what makes it an effective force for change. I were at Lakemba ter acknowledge the forty nine people murdered by a fascist and ter show his aim to spread fear and division in our Australian community of all people has failed. You were there to keep the peace. I oonderstand, but you too are part of our community and need ter wake oop ter what yer represent. That Mr Journalist is what made me, an awld man feel aggrieved. I took it, respected their right ter ask the question boot were reflecting on it were in the many rallies where MUA and other like minded folk stood against Australian fascist movements, the coppers protected them and moved oos on. I respect their reason on this night fer taking oos aside and searching me bag and that they were low key in how they did this boot we are not the enemy when we are fighting for social justice and protecting and celebrating diversity by standing alongside our community.
It is summat good ter see the backlash against this evil act committed in New Zealand. Against the idiot in Senate who wanted ter again stir oop hatred. He held a rally in Melbourne where he was egged by someone exercising civil disobedience. One brave seventeen year old lad. We should all reflect. Time fer action and ter change the dialogue in the political landscape where migrants, refugees, specific races, cultures and religions are demonised (as below). There is an election, or elections coming up. It is time ter hold the politics of divisiveness ter account. Call out the politicians who dog whistle. Remember Sco Mo and team were doing that joost last week. It is time to ask of our pollies ter take on the attributes and leadership of Ms Ardern, truely a leader of her people. Kia Kaha Aotearoa! Again you lead and move us by yer example, courage and compassion, showing diversity and tolerance in practice, coming together, calling this act fer what it is. Summat that has no place in the heart and lives of decent ordinary folk. When we vote, we have the opportunity on mass to reflect that and call enough on the stain on our society, the constant harping ter achieve a White Australia. It is not a reflection of oos, it is insulting ter our indigenous folk and it is not our future.
This is the kind of scribbled shite tha drove yon terrorist's beliefs...by Sydenham station this un |
This article (below) surmises and reflects where white supremacism and a White Australian viewpoint has become part of the mainstream political dialogue. Indeed it is flourishing.
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