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Tamil lawyer speaking and cockie listening |
Aye this is boot the practice of five star cruelty. Being 'seen' to be tough on border control by crashing down on the lives of four, small powerless folk who did nothing more than try to set up a life in Australia. Grinding folk up is not what we should ask of our politicians. Missing from Mr Dutton's view of the world? These folk were not only supported by the folk of a small 'typical' Australian community (Biloela - in Queensland) who took them to their heart (You, Mr Dutton, Might have ter look that one oop in a dictionary and follow it by swotting on compassion, and reflect on the right thing to do when it comes to giving folk a fair go.) They are also supported by many decent folk across Australia (Now add Alan Jones, the Beetrooter and Labor). Sooch as reflected in these turn outs in cities (and in Biloela) across the land and on that touching moment of moments, the day for honouring sperm donation, father's day.

Boot on this sun drenched first day of Spring, on a Sunday in Sydney, and across our red, red land folk were turning' oop at gatherings sooch as this to honour more than dads and dad jokes. They were here to make a point about the nature of cruelty of men, politicians, towards in this case those whose world they had ripped apart first by detention then attempted deportation. Aye folk speaking at the meeting mentioned the obscene amounts of money spent on trying ter remove this small family (charter planes, ministerial press conferences, hire of white-boards ter hide behind, reopening Christmas Island until Wednesday etc). Eye watering money, tax payer funded money ter make a point of meanness. The message were tough decisions being made by hard men ter keep us all safe in our beds at night from those hoards of little toddler Tamils battering down our border doors. Not ter mention Syrians tots, Iranian rug rats, Rohingya ankle biters...Except this latest decision from our Lords and Masters is no more than plain cruelty. A small powerless Tamil family supported by its community, by other refugees and folk who think yer can let them stay without Australia crumbling to its knees through unmitigated softness. Enough to squeeze a tear out of the corner of Peter Dutton's eye. Or maybe not...
Two small children and their parents (including on this day where retailers have yer celebrating being a father - a father of two wee bairns...). The Biloela Four - Priya, Nades, Kopika and Tharunicaa. Tamil folk who the UN said it is not safe ter send back ter Sri Lanka. There is still a price being paid by Tamils in Sri Lanka. Particularly those who may have been involved in the recent brutal civil war. Boot our newly minted, caring, Christian espousing government disagree baying "What do the UN know, stick ter their business and don't lecture Australia, its government on human rights issues. Its not your place to lecture oos!" Instead the compassionate and transparent coalition decision makers being agile, tried ter deport them in middle of night (when folk who oppose sooch as lawyers and judges might be preparing cocoa and on their way ter bed). Aye, sly, cynical and indifferently cruel are the hallmarks of Peter Dutton and immigration minister David Coleman in considering this case and mooch ter do with refugees. Belgo campaigned fer unions in Mr Coleman's electorate. It were multi-cultural with many former refugees, and boat people, some who were even sent here in 'Leaky Boats' by the poms. History lost on this lot with their one dimensional strong man tactics.
Not owed protection? After all you have put them through Coalition - they deserve our protection from you and your baying mob who you have convinced that yer told the parents not ter have bairns because being Tamils from peaceful Sri Lanka, there is n risk ter them going back ter the home. To a woman who lost folk during a bloody civil war and which according ter UN (I know, liberal namby pamby liberals without a clue - what di they know aboot world conflict compared to oos in safe haven Australia?) is still unsafe. Operation Dutton "Kick em oot in middle of night" would ha succeeded boot fer lawyerly intervention. That ends on Wednesday and chances are this family will be booted oot. How well does that reflect on us as a caring, resource rich, 'peaceful' community?
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The Foz in flight putting forward an argument fer decency |
Ms Keneally made a pitch, fresh from Sunday church for what being christian is in this instance. Her parable of the good Samaritan reflecting welcoming and caring for the stranger. Maybe Scomo will listen ter a fellow traveller? Me I would have preferred the parable of "the sanctimonious mean prick who said let those without conscience cast the first au-pair." Greens always there. Reminding Labor of this. Admirable. The refugee action coalition (RAC) and the tireless Ian Rintoul hosted the event and put together a strong case of people power in action. Pay attention unions. But where were our unions? There was a banner from teachers and me representing MUA veterans and a lone 'change the rules' t-shirt wearing oldie. Aye about three hundred folk, (and cockatoos) gave up their Sunday. Colourful but dignified. A strong representation from the Tamil community. The nannas (and more than a few nanna-pops) for refugees in their purple and knitted kit, mothers for refugees, and a good sixty bairns of all cultures boot Australian. Our future led by a fiery Tamil lawyer (who looked fresh out of school) who reminded oos of the hidden refugees in sight. Those who can stat boot without rights waiting on decisions for status. And a drop summat rapper (looking like she might still be in school) giving us poetry and rap which were good boot me ears found it a bit hard to follow the words as they bounced off the inside of me skull. Aye and I reflect this were held outside Lindt Cafe.
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Greens central ter this issue |
The take home message? Not joost "Let them Stay" boot tha this is going on in detention centres, people held on visas unable ter work or plan. Folk fighting despair who need not be given an uncertain future full of grief, pain and a sense of not belonging. Let them stay. Our borders big enough. Our first people accepting. We are bigger than turning away these four people. We can take them in. Their community wants them back. We do not remain silent in the face of unnecessary cruelty as requested by the coalition. We hold decisions such as these to account and we put them out into the light for public scrutiny. Call it for what it is - this family have been tortured on Australian soil. Other than Barnaby Joyce, where are the coalition dissenters? We, Australians can build on hope and decency. For our children and grandchildren we need to build a society that knows what decency is and looks like in practice.
Boot will this change the stance of the Coalition. Unlikely. Cruelty, being seen ter be mean, there's votes in that if yer control the message. Lets keep putting out there it costs nowt ter be decent. And it makes fer a better society. And in making a better society we create a future where there is hope in diversity and a place for the simple act that is kindness. Someone help Scomo and Dutton over the road on this one, please.
Postscript: ONE THOUSAND DAYS IN DETENTION and COVID-19. Cruel and surely time to call a halt to this. Let them go free. Spend the money on creating jobs. But no, the Coalition just continues ter grind folk underfoot...
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Over three hundred where there in Martin Place by 1pm |
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Aye debatable if Mr Morrison has un in working order on this issue |
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Aye , this is our future with the indefatigable Ian Rintoul of refugee action coalition |
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Foz and fans |
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The silver fox and the fiery blonde orator watch Ian R put down a few licks |
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The gathering representing 'quiet' Australia |
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Teachers need their resource kits being built top - looks like they brung in blackboard |
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Rap poet national summat champion of wurds and she blasted oos |
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Impassioned call from Labor |
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Martin Place on a sunny, Sunday afternoon |
This morning I read Peter Dutton has placed an opinion in the Brisbane Courier explaining why any opposition to deporting this family is 'politicking'. and all Labor's fault as per usual. Don't we know the real threat of boats loaded with people revving up in Sri Lanka waiting for an opportunity to exploit the amour in Australia's tough man stance on immigration. Then there were this on ABC:
Father's travel history among reasons why Tamil family's case is 'hopeless' says lawyer." Pro refugee activism is also to blame. Hmmm. From a lawyer who has worked with '10 past immigration ministers.' He said it was "like watching a train wreck in slow motion." Because the father had worked in Kuwait and Qatar during the Sri Lankan civil war - he was 'likely' an economic refugee. Point missed. Two children born in Australia. And the statement the government has 'evidence' the Tamil parents are economic evidence. Instead of secret squirrel. Put it up, otherwise trust us? Why should we trust anything going on behind such firmly shut doors. Let's just exercise a rusted virtue most are capable of using, kindness and let this family stay. And their children have a life that is not in detention or returned to a land in which they were not born.

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