The pavements littered with bottles, broken glass, cans, fag boxes, crumpled sticky cellophane and smashed out butts, discarded take-away wrappers, vomit-corners of shops stinking sharply of piss-the occasional needle and syringe. My friend that I walk with used to clean the streets and knows every street sweeper, council truck driver out on Sunday mornings. Its a job cleaning up after the Saturday night revellers and without a shadow of doubt since the Kings Cross/CBD lockdown-Newtown is getting more roving party animal foot traffic and as a consequence is much grubbier. Grot is not all bad. Cities are over used and life tends to accumulate layer upon layer. But there is the grot of outsiders coming into play who don't care about the shit they drop and leave behind. Even some badge of honour in defiling someone else's turf mabe. Likewise, a meanness is creeping into the anarchist messages pasted up and visible this morning. Someone in the collective has done away with humour in favour of the direct action.
Or mabe there was a poster competition. Find some of the old political posters like the red arm smashing the bourgeoisie-and this one is old style-more Metternich First World War era than Turnbull. And Yuppie, I didn't think they were still an agenda item of scorn. Who are the new bourgeoisie or yuppies. Fucked if I know what label fits. I prefer Albo's Tories, the recognition that there is still an ongoing class war. Even the 'chattering classes' still fits the twitter era. What do you call the political indifferents? And can you engage them, make em think in the poster wars?

As for voting. It is not much but it is something the ordinary man and women fought to get. Yet we have allowed it to be devalued by making elections something akin to reality television. We have allowed muppets to be glorified as strong leaders when they are made of straw or worse are arses pretending to be committed to public duty. We do not value diversity or integrity sufficiently to vote for the values we believe in. Throw it out and replace it with what or not at all. Lastly, my call to the anarchist collective responsible for these posters. I know you are the hard nosed pragmatists and I've seen your direct action close up at Reclaim Australia and other rallies. But bring back some humour into your messages. It engages, it informs, it educates. One laugh is worth more than many frowns or scowls.
Might pay to give the brown acid a wide berth |
And as for equal rights; I was reet pleased to see hippies had joined yuppies and pollies on the anarchists death wish list. Although I thought hippies, like Trots had bin consigned to the endangered specie list- summat to see in old museum photos of demos, where men with long hair, beards and head bands sat with groovy chicks, with long hair, headbands and cheese cloth dresses and mostly without beards and sang stirring anthems sooch as "We Shall Not Be Moved" until they were scythed into suet and blood pudding by industrious truncheons and the size twelve boots of the wooden tops. But mabe like "hipsters" hippies have made a come back. But if so, you have to wonder what they have done to piss off the anarchists and what kind of death? My experience in the early seventies was that they all, left to contemplate where their political navel might be, they sink under their own inertia, bummed out by all the problems of how to drop out of consumerism but keep their stashes. Those of us on the edges of the political left, even if we had long hair and wore flared jeans, we were inclined to dismiss hippies as political lightweights. Has owt changed? We liked MC5, the Stooges-they liked Incredible String Band. I rest me case.
And amongst 'messages on side of tin bins' this weeks outbreak of slogans, poetry and some old style agit-prop...and even a quote from Mr Orwell. Cruel to use a press gallery photograph of Mr Brandis explaining why he won't be releasing his dairies anytime soon.
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