It's the 26 January and folk are in all manner of flag dress ups on the train into the city when I jump ship at Redfern. It is one thing to celebrate "Australia" and all things Australian but it is an elusive thing to pin down. Unlike Waitangi Day in New Zealand or if you prefer Aotearoa. But here the people always conspicuously absent in a meaningful way are the first people; those whose land we currently occupy.

So the Organisation by Indigenous Social Justice and local elders and community organised a "228 years and still fighting for sovereignty, Treaty and social justice" get together at the Block. Everyone was welcome to come along and feel welcome we were. And they came in numbers. Young and old. Indigenous and white folk with a smattering of new migrants. By the time the march started it would have been over two thousand strong and still growing. A rainstorm had just passed over before, the air was fresh and the speakers set the context of the rally. It lifted my spirits to see how many young people made this their day for atonement and reflection. It was matched by the reminder of what Australia Day means to indigenous people. No sovereignty in their own land or as one speaker said "indigenous people are made to feel they are not welcome in their own land." Another speaker pointed out that they never ceded their land, it was stolen by invasion in an unfair fight. Spears against guns and then the ongoing theft of resources, land and worse of all-children. The stolen generation were acknowledged with one woman making an impassioned plea for it to stop-the removal of children is current, just dressed differently by calling the parents unsuitable to care for their own. Then there are the depressingly regular and ongoing deaths in custody and what appears as an unwillingness by the Crown to investigate through either police or coronial systems. The wee lass in Western Australia * who suicided in custody who should never have been incarcerated on the grounds she was. Then to compound the worth of a black life; heartache for the families of the Bowraville 3 amongst many. These examples of indifference to black suffering are not isolated and not all of them make the papers (or electronic media) we sup with our cornies and coffee in the morning. But each story adds to a larger grief and this was what was spoken about here. The Green MP for Newtown turned up and spoke but no sign of Labor. Same with the Unions. Some of the MUA were there-as were Green Left, Socialist Alternative, Spartacus, but again in this plea for support and unity, we (the unions) are too often absent. Yet here are grassroots communities involved in struggle-our comrades in the fight against injustice - and here in Australia there is no larger struggle, nor one, if we want to improve the legacy to future generations - we have to win.

Then there are issues regarding housing and the land grab continues in Redfern, Alexandria and dare I remind meself, Millers Point. Nowt better than greed to oil the wheels of corporate and political theft. And even though Tony Abbott has left the building (albeit temporarily) the forced community closures, the intervention, the removal of money that keep essential indigenous services barely afloat remains ongoing.
As non indigenous people we were asked to support a non-violent protest. Although rightly there was some social disobedience. A bit of occupation of road space outside Central Station and further down George Street. Although the NSW police presence was two to three hundred strong they were mostly restrained. Points were made as to whose land was being occupied and whose rule of law and order was being obeyed (the elders).
For me, I was proud to march, proud of the collection of people marching. Most of all, I was proud that this is my Australia, where the first people of the land are recognised as such, respected and honoured. Enjoy the photographs taken on me Apple Box Brownie,,,"What do we want!' "Sovereignty!" When do we want it?" "Now" "What've we got?" "Fuck All!" Yup, says it all but today people had heart and pride.
Bowraville 3: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/bowraville-victims-relatives-distressed-as-chance-of-suspects-retrial-dismissed-20151218-glqww1.html
From New Matilda: John Pilger: https://newmatilda.com/2016/01/23/john-pilger-australias-day-for-secrets-flags-and-cowards/
228 years is too long |
Count the people |
We march for the future of this generation |
Social disobedience from Te Kuti to Martin Luther King-Gotta love it! |
Police Film Unit for Redfern now |
And I was sorry to miss out on Radical Son at the shindig after but I am not in great shape at present. But if you have not heard this great artist I highly recommend listening to and buying his albums "Cause 'N Affect" and "Radical Son". Particularly the track "Wiradjuri Woman". Listen and weep. Great song writer, singer, musician and activist. Kia Kaha Radical Son!
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