Eee it were a bonny sight ter see the May Day march this year an sooch a grand turn oot! Helped tha it included a Green Ban by construction workers, who were there in mass handing oot free tee shirts. Slogan in electric green! Parramatta is nowt boot one big building site at the moment. Skyscrapers hell bent on creating a city within a city, while the once living shopping strip is boot a desolate boarded oop site for light rail. Yer can see small businesses are struggling ter get enough oxygen ter survive. I would say two ter three thousand turned oot and marched through Parramatta ter protest the removal of a heritage house ter make way fer the new Powerhouse.
What a unionist looks like - prepared ter march |
Mr Donovan holds forth |
Yon anarchists were here this year and grand ter see them and the young guns from Socialist Alliance |
CFMEU tee shirts were a hit |
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