Aye boot wait there's more. Give money ter the money lenders, particularly them that puts wads of cash inter party coffers. CEO of bank caught doin' wrong thing?Pension him off with a squillion. And go tut!tut! While promising' ter do summat in the never, never. Boot bash them bad unions of hairy legged thugs that dare her ask for safety on building sites, on wharves, in work-places. Today, yer should be able to go ter yer work-place and expect ter clock-off alive. As fer climate change, reduce the regional fire services. Let the mine owners and coal rule the land, fer they are lifters extraordinaire. Nay, they're busy working fer oos - nae taxes for them man! Stop talking daft or we will ban yer from talking at all! We're aboot quiet Australians, thems that have nowt ter say and don't ask oos ter explain why we're crap at governing in government. We like the silent mob!
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Labor review |
So Labor has had its review of last election. An' wot have the good folk on left, the part-time progressives coom oop with?. Ter win Government yer have ter lie and sell yer soul. Durst not scare the electorate, particularly Morrison's cadres of the silent Australian. Durst nae talk of greedy folk, the spongers of public wealth an' call em for what they are - the destroyers of our future.
Aye, it were the same in ter unions. A review were more: let's do more of the same boot call it summit different. Nay comrades. We need ter shift how we think, act and where we put our resources. Our members. The folk we represent. Remember them Labor? Not the factions or the merchants of spin, compromise and empty promises. Aye we are top against big issues - boot where is the debate let alone leadership? When were the last time we felt inspired by our political leadership? Gough? Albo has become the shadow of the tory fighter he one proudly was. "I fight tories, that's what I do." Not so obvious now. Penny Wong is the more inspiring...or even Adam Bandt.
Belgo were so incensed and demoralised by recent goings on in progressive circles and this new breed of Australian loved by neoliberals. So he pulled out a pencil, sharpened the tip and pressed down on a scrap of paper (Tasmanian organic) ter compose poetry. Grim times indeed.
I am the quiet Australian
I am the quiet Australian
This is what I believe
Aye, it were cracker! Said it all and more. Well, I were on a roll like. Sat on a bench in Christchurch an' had another go.
I am the noisy Australian
I am a noisy Australian
Australians are noisy
Take cockies, pies or
That bloody Wattle bird
That rattles me bedroom window
We like a racket to get us going
So, do not go gentle into
That extinction rebellion
Rage, protest and shout
In amongst the red dust
Against the dying of life
We are the noisy Australians
Hear us squawk and roar
We care
We shout
We are
Hitting a street near you
Real soon
A quiet Australian!
Weel, I thought I'd slammed it. Two sides ter the coin. Aye, it weren't in me beloved Northumbrian, boot there are times a man moost craik with other folks. Carefully, I wiped the nib of me pencil an poot it away. School protesters are part of the noisy Australians as are the knitting nannas...as fer them anarchists, silence is deadly. Make noise folks, its yer right ter have yer say about gormless Morrison and his cronies. I mean they close parliament when biggest bush fires are building oop, and it is only December. Then Morrison jets out on his holls. Leadership? What's that? The Christmas Turkey leading the charge on conveyor belt ter oven. Baste oop lads! More stuffing anyone?
Aye, compassionate conservatism, making sure the pish is warm before letting it spray on those below. This is no time fer silence boot we have our work cut out when Labor is not listening...and some unions have forgotten it is their members they represent. While unions that do represent their members are being fleeced by draconian punishments as wage theft increases and yet another report comes oot saying folk can't survive in the gig economy other than working all hours. Aye, we're going backwards towards economic slavery. Get angry young uns!
Sad day in Liverpool with Hillsborough verdict. Yer ask who is responsible if not the man in charge on the day? And all the lies told as ter why it were fault of football fans...Thatcher were never held ter account fer the vile slurs she made. No wonder the grief of families that lost folk that day still burns today.
Posters from the streets of Newtown and the inner west
Aye, compassionate conservatism, making sure the pish is warm before letting it spray on those below. This is no time fer silence boot we have our work cut out when Labor is not listening...and some unions have forgotten it is their members they represent. While unions that do represent their members are being fleeced by draconian punishments as wage theft increases and yet another report comes oot saying folk can't survive in the gig economy other than working all hours. Aye, we're going backwards towards economic slavery. Get angry young uns!
Sad day in Liverpool with Hillsborough verdict. Yer ask who is responsible if not the man in charge on the day? And all the lies told as ter why it were fault of football fans...Thatcher were never held ter account fer the vile slurs she made. No wonder the grief of families that lost folk that day still burns today.
Posters from the streets of Newtown and the inner west
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