Newtown pavement poster |
This from the Sydney Morning Herald 25 January 2017 : me summary like no disrespect to the reporter: Gladys was "Disappointed". Yer can protest, that's democracy boot not on the sacred "Australia Day"- (the very point of the march Gladys- it does not bring everyone together to eat snarlers, chug beer and wrap ourself in union jack stamped flags).
And then the beasts marching burnt flags and took on the police! Errr, one person tried to burn a flag before the tactical riot squad over tackicked in trying to put out flag with a fire extinguisher and a phalanx rush of blue romper suited and armed police. Most who saw it thought it was an overreaction when the police had done a good job in not getting in the way of the march. It were a peaceful march except for the one incident Gladys-the police even said so.
Voters, youth on the march, miserable Barney-Dont think so |
And attempting to burn a flag compared to the point of the march? The organisers who spoke at beginning of march said- for the majority of the first people this, the arrival of the first fleet day is not a celebration it is a memorial day of the start of genocide and slaughter of their people. Like the old uncle who said most of his people were murdered and he is one of the survivors grown from that generation who still feel the pain of their loss. Something visceral in peoples lives you don't just get over, it is still ongoing, reverberating, hurting, an almighty bloodied, weeping sore on this land called Australia. People on this march Premier, expressed themselves in the most appropriate way to our community-that they could not and would not celebrate this Australia Day until it does truely bring people together. As for Barnaby Rubble wishing all those who marched in similar protests across the country to hide themselves under stones as we are just plain miserable. Actually Mr Rubble, that were not my experience of the event-not only were there a whole lot of kids and younger people looking owt but miserable. Angry sometimes, shoutey but enjoying the company, the march and in expressing the issues they believed in. Post Trump Barney, better get used to people hitting the streets, signing petitions, picketing your electoral offices, parliaments, oh and not voting for you because you don't have a vision for your country despite all the hype dragged out each Australia Day.

Those who marched did so to show our support to first people. To listen. To share. To stand shoulder to shoulder on issues so uncomfortable they make my balls itch. And my conscience says instead of being disappointed or calling us misery guts raining on the myth that is Australia Day, lets fix stuff. So we don't keep having the conversation about deaths in custody, stolen generations and saying sorry means we won't do it again. Don Long anyone? Northern Territory intervention based on lies but still ongoing. Last but not least I marched because Kev Carmody is my national treasure, he and the organisers of this march are my people and I love them one and all!!!

Oh dear, stop the presses. The 20 year old man arrested for attempting to burn the flag is affiliated to the wild greens!!! Left Renewal. Granny Herald tells it in shock and awe-I think in this country we have lost the plot around social action-it was only a flag. He was not attacking someone-it is a gesture, a political action and a flag that is quarter owned by Queen Lizzie-time to move on people. A point has been made and a bit of blue, white and red material harmed. Surely not grounds to rush in and arrest someone. Or fur Granny Herald to get itself in a tangle of tiara an' populist megaphone. And Left Renewal are not blurry anarchists! That mob woudda ha burned every blurry flag and pocket handkerchief an' then some!!!!
err Glad! Pay attention |
That blurry Ken told a joke and dropped the F bomb |
Socialist alliance making a call |
Young Zac from MUA paying his respects |
Now when we burn the flag you send in riot squad |
David Shoebridge |
Look at 'em! Miserable one and all! How dare they protest on this sacred day |
Blurry MUA flags framin' an SBS interview |
Leaving Redfern |
Come on people make Barney happy-back oonder yer stones |
Yabun and Marlene Cummins on stage |
Wee Jessie showing' us misery-well it were C&W |
Ms Cummins dancing to Route 66 after her uplifting set |
Kev Carmody, champion! National treasure and bloody ace more grunt than a dingo on steroids and playing through pain |
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