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Definitely Mr Canning for Senate! Belgo Geordie endorsed |
An to remind folk, a dissolution triggered by those great big bad unions and Senates refusal to re-introduce the robber barons commissar to maximise progress towards austerity by stealth by smashing unionism and casualising our workplaces. Because as we all know, what ever have the unions done for oos? Other than the five day, forty hour working week, sick leave, holiday pay, annual leave, penalty rates for overtime, safe wurkplaces, standin' oop ta bullying, harassment and discrimination in the workplace and society. Fighting for social justice and work/life balance. Going out to bat for refugees. Other than that, not mooch a can think of. Unions are selfish gets joost hell bent on milking' maximum profit outta the dirt poor, while cheerfully pissin' down on em for trickle down economic effect and telling' dos we niver had it so good!... Ah, noo, that were the nat libs cronies sooch as banks, private providers, property developers, real estate agents, magician entrepreneurs who can make public cash disappear before turnin' inta summat else through liquidation; road and casino builders. In short, Mr Ballturns reason for dissolution was a red herring the size of planet whale.
So what fell outta of the winter cracker was eight weeks of bum bags at twenty yards on the hustings between Mr Smug and Mr Bland. Politics it may be, GOT it is not. The longest election campaign in recent Australian history (well in three years-n' who remembers owt before that?)
Now it should be a wake up call to the reptilian monsta that is 'The Lucky Country'. Jobs going' to wall, the regions crashin and burnin, youth unemployment, higher education fees, farmers struggling to pay the rent, the rise and rise of casual labour. Gonski, part almost Gonski; the higher education fees an poorer value of degrees in getting inta work. The great big silence on the plight of the first people of the land. Health, aged, disability care more fragmented and getting harder to access. Great big taxes in the way of utility fees, health insurance, rents, house prices increasing faster than inflation. The increasingly collapsing infrastructure (build more roads-seize more houses, privatise more public land and replace em with high density apartments no one can afford except investors!) First home owner, unless yer folks are rich, forget it! The return to being bumped off the internet thingey because we don't have enuf grunt for everyone to download GOTs at once. Close down industry, manufacturing, send more business off shore to call centres where the living' wage is a distant dream. Limit journalist access to offshore processing in case it shines a light on our great big public shame. Treat refugees like criminals, Australia like a gated garden of eden- a paradise only for the likes of us. The rise and rise of middle of the road fascism- "Why can't they just be like oos or at least show some gratitude to us for letting them clean our netties, floors. An as for those ungrateful aboriginals! They should go back to where they came from. Perhaps we could make a television program "Unbelonging in the Great Big Lucky White Country". Soundtrack "There Has Been No Invasion in Australia" sung by the Tony Abbott choir borrowing from that great Aussie band Blam Blam Blam.
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Some voters sitting on the fence and showing the right with its head buried in the sand, ok light fitting |
So should not these be days of rage? Should we all be chewin' our bathmats an spewing' nails fasta than a nail gun on a Soonday with na penalty rates. Should we not be out on the streets rattling' the fillings of parliament with protest and turnin' our despair inta action? Sadly not. The hustings have not been shaken. Barricades are kept in storage. The volunteer fire fighters in Victoria, who do such a great job, have spat the dummy believing the neo libs will beat the big bad fireys union with a stick. This is not a one issue election people. Sort out your turf war without making the mistake of being sucked in by Malc's honeyed words and rotten agenda. He doesn't care for you as much as he cares for his own tribe, the very people sucking the marrow out of the lifeblood of Australia, the working people. YOUR, and yours lifeblood! Show the heart you have as evidenced by the work you do and consider what are the problems facing your communities....
Seven weeks of the election campaign and one more to go: Snoozing' on bones of colonisation and entitlement, the neolibs have woken their slumber to fart out a few slogans "Jobs and growth" or iz it "Growth and Jobs". "Wentworth for ever! Trust me Im Mr Sensible" (Na, I made that un oop!). Labor has given Bing Shortly a make-over. Albo missing in action. Fighting Greens with Paul Keating (not the proper waterfront one but the other big brain, bigger gob prime minister). Not Albo's finest moment boot the fight for Grayndler and other seats where the Greens have chosen to fight socialists rather than conservatives bathes the Greens in a dreary dull shade of baby poo hypocrisy. Richard di Natale, if this was your strategy then you are just another teflon fookin' political party on the make. As good a candidate as Jim Casey is, going after Albo in Grayndler, due to boundary changes, was only ever going to split the vote, but worse took one of the better left campaigners out of the federal fight. This is politics of change which make people like me mistrust the Greens as a progressive force. The fact that Labor and the Greens cannot work on a shared platform around social justice will likely cost any chance of real change in this election. Shame on both houses!
The winner on election night won't be oos the people. It should be the pollies who shoots themselves in the foot less often during campaign. That on current evaluation would be Mr Bland. He's punched above his weight and is more credible. But it's like comparing the curates egg to a withered testicle. Bill Bob is a better option by far to Tony Turncrawl. But oh democracy can be a fickle beast. Breaking eggs has just released a sulphurous cloud sending the scaredy cat markets into free fall (or free for all). Boot, all is well, Mr Trundle told them to settle down-sorry called for calm, bit like pissin' off end of boat with gale coming' at yer from that end. The Malconator is also using it as a big bad scare campaign -"Stay with the captain, he knows what he's doing" Sad he were wearing his Titanic cap. Boot the Natto-libbers are all economic wizards true, tried and busted! Not a failed business amongst the lot of them and true finesse in the art of smoking a cigar-while the economy burns. Hockey followed by Morro and the Belgian. Like when asked how to deal with Breakfart ScottMo managed to look like a possum with its nuts in a vice while the Big Mack Chariot, the angel with a flaming sword and all riders of the apocalypse were bearing down on his tonsure with all lights on and running' out of tarmac.
And tonight, Soonday-less than a week away from polling day and when folk are sitting down to cod and mushy peas we have little Malc on the tele tellin' oos not to drop the ball and stick with the good economic managers, the stable government he leads that disagree on most things. More Abbott or Bishop anyone. A vote for the neolibs is a vote for stability because they are managers, they can manage. A "How great you are" to little Johnny Howard-who was almost as destructive as one Marge Thatcher. Ah was soodenly struck by a violent fit of being ill from over exposure to blatant hypocrisy and pie porking.
Boot confronted by the ballot; on the day voters might just put number one on to Mr Smug and his team of neo liberal pond bottom dwellers. Just enuf of oos might joost believe they can, as they have promised, streak across the sky in their undies and save the world. Like Donald Trump - there natural bed mate in politics. For capitalism or capital greed (the big and tarnished end of town). While oblivious to a federal election Mikey Baird sets up operation privatisation joost as the Malcontent says, "Privatisation, not on my watch." Boot read Fairfax's story on the dinosaur footprint that is much of what will be future federal policy - if Malkey's elected:
Who do you believe? Do you trust? Try asking a passing dodo. The Bairdey one is showing us what the great neo liberal future looks like and it is sulphurous with massive social disintegration, community, loss of jobs and democracy only for those who can afford an accountant. Yer hope that there ul be enough gumption in the Australian electorate who have paid attention to what has just surpassed in little England and at least vote enough backbone into Senate to keep Parliament honest. And those great big bad unions that caused oos to go to polls? Barely a word other than Michaela Cash saying' she'll garrotte the bloody lot come the Monday after the results are in and she is queen bee of workplace conditions. We are forewarned.
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An' in case yer missed me endorsement first time round... |
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