It were a grand morning in Sydenham when I stepped out fer me walk |
Now if yer read me blog on George Pell yer would know I am not a fan of the man. Likewise the holy warrior Abbott. When I read aboot this mural showing the Abbott with his hand down Pell's budgie smugglers and this were just as the "Yes" vote won a resounding victory, I thought this were a cruel satirical statement. One as yon Pell is still ter have his day in court and I hope the booger gets what he deserves! No doubt he will fight with the might and deep pockets of of the catholic church and the holy warrior in his corner. No doubt he will have memory fades and he will abdicate his responsibility in the cover-up of child sexual abuse under his watch and in his church. Boot we know Cardinal Pell would not have made cardinal if he did not know what was going on on his turf. We also know the catholic church prefers to cover up and spend big brass doing so and try to ridicule and intimidate those who challenge its might. Those brave people who have raised allegations which the Royal Commission said were credible. The catholic church and other institutions were not.
So, I were not a fan of the mural boot it was satire and caricature. Tasteless, boot no one died from the painting of it. Whereas plenty of folk died as a consequence of childhood sexual abuse. Boot seeing this response made me gander go ploomb red and wobbly with outrage. This same mob, supporting the no vote 'whined' on and on aboot freedom of speech, of religious bollocks and why they should have the right to be as prejudiced as they like...and this is their response!
Hypocrisy and a revealing truth aboot what religious nutters hold moost dear aboot their creed. To be small minded biggots telling' the rest of folk what ter believe. Their other world view which I see as being on same level of the tooth fairy. Believe wot yer like, its yer right to do so, boot don't preach freedom of expression then empty a can of paint over a mural you don't like. Do yer own of Pell and Abbott ascending her heaven hand-in-hand if that's what yer believe.
Potty mouthed boot I oonderstand |
Me I'm off her Hyde Park to hang out with folk with other freedoms on their mind.
Then a few days later there were attack on George Michael mural. More black paint ter remove a queer icon. The graffitied response were people power. Some un even put oop a slogan on wall of nearby train station "Jesus is a biscuit" with a smiley face. Me neither, Tim Tam or ginger nut? Boot harmless. Then predictably, agin, the Jesus word is painted out in big black daubs. Ah weel, afta two thousand odd years the man's followers still can't lighten oop. Religious freedom anyone?
Newtown in case... |
And fer those liking to read how yon Lord Fairfax covered this:
Then there were this:
I know Wham were teeny bopper trite and George Michael a Motown wannabe. Boot if yer don't like his music, no need ter paint him black like!
Aye and this says Jesus wins. Moost have been against the Toon, were not doing so grand at moment.