There is power in a union |
Other than Farrer Place were packed and the sound system so poor you could not hear the speakers, it were a good turn out and particularly from the construction workers, supported by a fair sprinkling of other unions including, of course, MUA who are joining together with CFMEU. But it were good for the heart to see a broad range of union flags being ratcheted about in the strong breeze.
That it were mainly to protest the first day on the job of the new building commissioner should give the Nat Libs some pause to think mabe the unions aren't as easy to crush under foot with their neo lib propaganda and legislative tinkering as they thought. Aye lookin' aboot me there were a fair sprinkling of oldies but heartening to see how many young, fired up unionists there were packed into a small space. An' there were plenty of crack going on as different unions combined and swopped industrial war stories and common ground. It was also a reminder that unionism was not about ripping off the workers-the beloved storyline of the Tele and such like or breaking industrial laws with disdain because unions just won't be told to stop protecting workers rights and workplace conditions. More and more those of us on the left have to practice civil disobedience as a means to get a message to government and those in the community at large who still think this is the lucky, egalitarian country. And that was also a disappointment, being penned in unable to march although this rally was announced weeks ago. I heard some did march and no doubt that will be used to add more grizzle to the talk back alt right champions.
And the weasel words of the new building and construction commissioner below...workers received a text telling them they needed to attend the building commissar and explain their absence from their work place. And no doubt to explain their being in Farrer Place just when wee Johnny Howard was scurrying through leading Trumble to spit the dummy at how rude, crude and unaustralian building workers are (well I did spot two kiwi flags) for daring to boo Lord Howard of Workchoice. Days of rage to come if this is the new approach to managing industrial relations. And workers united will never be defeated...
Please report to Sir's office for six of the best... |
Predictably the media only focussed on the 'thuggish' behaviour of our interaction with Mr John Howard. Being jostled, called a scab and a grub for the man whose career included much union bashing is more an acknowledgement of the damage this man caused. And being labelled thugs for this by a man whose recent tantrum outbursts in Parliament at Shorten is rich. Look in the mirror Tranbull. Anything to take the pressure of the real reason behind this rally-your ongoing attacks on the union movement for daring to give a voice to workers, the same folk you are busy removing work place conditions from (penalty rates, work site safety). The same folk you are attacking by removing benefit safety nets, services (such as the legal services and the womens services raised by one speaker at this rally). As for the media, hang your head in shame-none of you have reported the injustice of workers and their unions being targeted by the new Building Commissar for daring to exercise civil disobedience. So begins the great silence that gives comfort to the Nat Libs and their constituency.
Enjoy yon images...
Imagine wee Johnny Howard walking out into this...excuse me chaps, might I pass? |
The Tele will say five men and a dog caused trooble in yon town |
Bloody Kiwis-raising their flags |
Young Samoan happy to hold the flag |